Wednesday 1 August 2012

'i feel like a super model who just skipped a meal.'

So I don't know if it's the Cymbalta that's making me so fucked in the head, or if it's this stupid break up or what. But everything I've read on the package says it's a possibility, and not to stop taking them until I see a doctor. I won't be able to see him until the 25th. Until then, at least I've got my mom watching me like a hawk...I could fucking punch her.

On the bright side of all this, I can't bring myself to eat anything. It's been days since I've had anything but drugs and booze (to the point of black out), and I've managed to get down to 138. I feel so shaky though, I thought I'd try to eat something, but my appetite is gone, I had a bite of this delicious pasta salad, and couldn't bring myself to eat anymore. Such a weird feeling, considering one bite usually results in a disgusting pig out. But I fucking love it. I'll take the suicidal bullshit to be thin any day of the week. It feels fucking fantastic.

Dying to be thin, how ironic. At least it's not false advertising.

Boys fucking suck, but at least one good thing came from it.


  1. Hello darling. Found your blog through a comment on Turn it up 11. So sorry to see you are struggling so much right now. Would love to offer support in anyway I can, and glad to hear that at least one positive is coming from the Cymbalta (though apparently it doesn't seem to be doing what it ought to be)

    Please take the best care of yourself that you can. Also, consider that the other things you've been taking may be reacting with the Cymbalta. SNRI's are reported to have very strong interactions so... yes, please just be careful. And also I haven't read back far enough, but if this is a new medication... idk, sounds like you don't have much choice in the matter but I hope it doesn't get worse before you see the doctor...

  2. A whole month of taking a drug that makes you feel horrible?? I would agree that you should wait until you see a doctor, but that's still an awfully long time to suffer.
    Not eating could be making it worse though. Even though you've lost weight, your metabolism's probably getting screwed with (I'm sure you know that) so it might be a good idea to try and stuff a little more down your throat. Plus, it could help stabilize the side effects?


your feedback is much appreciated!