Friday 19 June 2015

as a writer, you ask yourself to dream while awake.

I've been asked to write a blog post for this cool website about addiction and recovery. I asked to write a piece on addiction, but when the owner found out about my bulimia, he said he'd love some on eating disorders. So I promised him two different ones. One will be about 'One day in the life of Bulimia' and another is how they develop, the mindset when you have one, and the mental health issues that can lead to one. I'm pretty exicted, but also incredibly nervous.

 This will be me writing as me. Not writing as Jenna or Roxy, which are my ED and addiction identities, as you know. I feel safe being Roxy-an addict, or Jenna-the bulimic. It's been so long since I've written as my own person. I feel a bit exposed. But at the same time, it is a huge honour to be able to write these. I feel like I'll be speaking on behalf of every single one of us. Telling my story and yours. Because when it comes down to it, we may be on different sides, but we're still on the same coin that is eating disorders.

I don't even know where to start. There are so many ideas swirling around in my head. So many thoughts and emotions I want to share with readers. So many facts and stats about eating disorders. I don't even know how they'll all fit into two 1500 word posts. I need to set some time aside, write all my ideas down and come up with a rough draft. It's not like my blog here where I just get an idea, do a bit of research, find a quote that suits my idea, and then just start writing and letting the words fall as they may. This one has to be much more structured, accurate, and well-written. I'll have a broader audience with very intelligent respected people who have written before me. So I need this to be amazing.

Then again, maybe I shouldn't be so worried and obsessed. I feel like thinking to much into might just set me up for failure. I'll be so nervous that I won't be writing at my A-game. I think the best move will be to write for you. I do it almost everyday. I respect each of you even more than the other people on this site. And I trust you with my secrets. I know none of you will judge. So if I write it for you guys, then I think it'll be true perfection: where my honesty, passion, and flaws make the writing imperfectly perfect. I feel like I'll connect better to the audience if I think the audience will be my follows and readers here.

So thank-you for being my role models, supports, inspirations, and audience. I appreciate you all so much, even if my fan base isn't huge. I care for each of you in a profound way that can only be understood by others with these awful disorders. We're connected by our ED's and recovery in a way that is unfathomable to others. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Much love, xx.

P.S. I will share the posts I write for this site as soon as they're finished!


  1. Oh how exciting!
    I am rooting for you so much
    And I just know that you will be amazing
    You are a talented writer
    And explain your situation so well
    And I think writing as if no one will read it only your blogger friends is a great idea

    Two years ago
    Mary asked me to speak at an ED conference
    And my mum too
    She gave me two days notice
    By coincidence
    The previous week
    I had written out my story just for me to have
    But I actually used it as my speech
    I write it thinking no one else would ever read it
    So I was very honest and unflinching
    The day of the conference
    I though I was going to have a complete meltdown
    But I felt so passionately about sharing my story
    And I did it
    I spoke in front of 300 people
    Fellow sufferers
    Family members
    Doctors and professionals
    It is one of my biggest achievements

    What I would say is write from the heart
    Be as honest as you can
    And write as if no one will ever read it
    I have every faith in you hun
    And I feel so proud that you will be writing for each and every one of us here
    Be brave
    Be bold
    Be your beautiful self

    Can't wait to read it! X

    1. Thank-you so much! It makes me feel really motivated and reassured. That's so amazing though! I have such awful social anxiety that talking in front of 300 people would just make me have a complete breakdown! But I think doing it would make me feel proud. That's just so cool of you. I'm sure you did us all proud during that presentation. :)

  2. Wow, what an amazing opportunity you've been given, you should be soooo proud of yourself for doing this! Try not to worry too much. Understandably, you're going to be a bit anxious and nervous, but just pour your heart out, then you can edit it as necessary if needs be. I can't wait to read what you write, I know you're going to do a fantastic job! Xx

    1. Thank you so much for the support! It means a lot to me. I'm pretty nervous, but I've finished one of them and I think it's pretty good. But I'll have to wait and see how everyone else views it. Your encouragement is very much appreciated!
      Much love, xx.


your feedback is much appreciated!