Sunday 28 June 2015

sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.

So I've been looking through old Facebook pictures and I'm so shocked at many of them. I see them and instantly remember the exact time period in my life. I recall what I was doing, who I was with, and most importantly, how I felt. In so many of them I was almost too scared to post them because I honestly believed that I was so fat and gross.

Looking at them now it just makes me so sad for myself. I can see now how thin I really was. I was even borderline skinny. In one, you can especially see my collarbones sticking out like crazy.

It's so bizarre to me that in those moments I really, truly thought I was huge! It just shows how much bulimia really distorts your self-perception. I always knew it did, but to this degree is just shocking. It leaves me feeling a mixture of sadness and jealousy.

Sadness because I wish that I could have recognized how beautiful I was back then. Maybe things would have gone a little better. Maybe I wouldn't have turned to dope. Maybe I'd become eating disorder free. Maybe I'd be happy. Who knows. The possibilities are endless.

But at the same time, I look at these photos with such a strong sense of jealousy and anger. I think to myself, 'What an idiot! Didn't you see how good you had it?' and 'Wow, I'd die to be this weight again.'  I know this is extremely disordered thinking, but I can't help it. It just sort of causes this hatred for the weight I am now. It just makes me feel so giant. I don't even know how to deal with it. I don't want to delete the pictures, but I also can't let them get to me like this. It's unrealistic to ever think I can be my high school weight again.

I wish I could use it as a learning experience, but I'm not sure how. I know it shows how distorted my view is, so it should tell me that I'm not as fat as I think I am now. But you know how it is, eating disorders lie. Mirrors lie too. And Jenna's in my head telling me to starve myself until I'm that girl in the pictures again.

I just wish this was all over with. I wish I could just be normal and happy. In fact, I wish none of this ever happened, because I don't know how to overcome it.


  1. I know it doesn't feel like it sometimes hun
    But you ARE over coming it
    You are in recovery
    It shines out of you believe me
    Thoughts are just thoughts
    You don't have to act on them
    I often have thoughts that is like to die
    But I don't act on them
    And that is the difference
    You have come so far
    And it's been such a difficult road
    Don't let your ED trick you in to thinking that you are slipping
    Because you are most definitely not

    Deep breathes hun
    I know it all seems over whelming
    That's why we take it day by day
    One day at a time
    To think of any more than that
    Is just too much

    Babe you are amazing
    No matter what weight you are
    I'm saying this for myself as well as you
    As I need to hear it to
    Just keep telling yourself 'I'm exactly where in supposed to be'
    Because you are hun

    So much love for you x

    1. Thank you so so so much for this. You're honestly too kind and it helps more than you can know. I know that my ED is trying to trick me but sometimes I feel like I'm making no progress. None of my ED behaviors have stopped and I feel like I'm not trying enough. I know I JUST started treatment, but it's really hard. So your words of encouragement make me feel a bit more confident.

      When you said that recovery shines from me, I think those are the sweetest words anyone has ever said to me. You're truly an amazing person and I am so lucky to have found you. You're my inspiration. So thank-you.

      Much love, xx.

  2. Ps please excuse all the typos
    I'm just up and it's early morning x


your feedback is much appreciated!