Thursday 11 June 2015

before you can see the light, you have to deal with the darkness.

So the last little while I've been feeling great. Optimistic, hopeful, inspired, determined, etc. But the last two days something has changed. I can't seem to put my finger on it. I've been taking my anti-depressants as prescribed, doing what I usually do, so I don't know what has changed. 

But I guess since I have been sober I get days like these. Days where all I think about is getting obliterated and not feeling a thing. Sinking into that beautiful place between dreams and reality. Nodding in and out, in and out. And hovering blissfully in between. These days are the ones when I won't eat a thing. It's like I'm so depressed and craving that high that the only other thing as satisfying to me is starving. There's even this song lyric I've always loved (sick or not) that says, "I feel like a super model who just skipped a meal." The song's about feeling great and on top of the world, so he says that as a good thing. And to me, not eating sometimes gives me this rush, this pride and satisfaction. The hunger pains act as a reminder of how "good" I've done by starving. 

So today again, all I thought about was opiates. Or meth. Opiates and meth, opiates and meth. Over and over again I switched back between the two, imaging the feeling. Remembering those feelings. The ones like nothing else in the world. And the more I try and stop it, the more it spins around in my head. An endless cycle. 

 The only thing that can quiet Roxy (addiction identity's name) who is locked in her cage begging to be let out is by asking Jenna (bulimia identity) to come out and play. So just for a moment, the thoughts, conversations, arguments, are only with me and Jenna. Just us two, like it used to be before Roxy showed up in my head. In a sick way I miss those times. Just me and her. She my best friend. I always imagined her to be beautiful, sexy, alluring, charming, intelligent. Basically everything I think I'm not. She's the gorgeous best friend you hang out with because maybe her beauty will rub off on you. So although I know she's the evil girl who wants me dead so she can take my place, I miss her being my only company. It seemed so much easier before Roxy came along throwing addiction into the mess of all my other mental illnesses. 

As if I didn't have enough issues before. You have no idea what it's like to have two powerful voices in your head telling you what to do, constantly criticizing you, bickering back and forth all day. Sometimes I forget I'm even in there. I think these are the days when I feel down. It's like if my mood is down, my voice gets quiet, sad. So the other two start to fill the silence. And it becomes so overwhelming that my real identity,  the shy, weaker one, has hidden away afraid to have to face them. On my good days, it's me who is taking the reins, it's me who is speaking up. But every once and a while, those old habits call to you, and I let them take control for a while. Sometimes it's like I just need a break. Recovery is hard work. So perhaps I'm just taking a rest, letting them run on autopilot while I heal and can take back over. 

So I'm going to get some rest, read a good book, have a spa day and recuperate. That way I can take back over and silent the evil girls in my head and get back on track to a healthy, happy recovery. I think I'll share this in group too. We talked about the eating disorder voice/identity last week and had homework to think about ours. Weird timing, having felt this.

Anyway, I wonder if they will ever go away. I want them to, but then I'm also terrified to let them go. 

Much love, xx.

By the way, I do not have split personality disorder (now called dissociative-identity disorder) or have different "voices" in my head. I simply have given each of my disorders an identity and name, mostly for writing purposes. But it also helps me differentiate between what is me and what is my disorder. It's like three people in my inner monologue. Me, Jenna, and Roxy. 

Here are two new pictures of me! Just thought I'd share what I look like now. I feel huge in them (at least, that's what Jenna says), but I've been told I look pretty. 


  1. I swear
    I could have written this post
    It's like you have been inside my head
    And out in to words something that I really struggle with
    I can honestly say
    That I know how you feel
    Sometimes it feels like a tennis match inside my head
    Batting back and firth between my ED and my addiction
    I haven't given them names
    But I do call my ED AnaMia
    I mixture of anorexia and bulimia
    It sounds like you are having a dose of reality today
    Boy do I know that feeling
    When all you wanna do is get out of your own head
    And check off the planet for a while
    That place you describe
    Between conscious and unconsciousness
    I know that place
    And I crave it to
    So so much

    I guess these are the days when we remember where we have done from
    We play the tape of how bad things got
    How low we were
    How drugs ruined our and and the people around us lives
    We remember why we wanted to get clean and sober
    And we thank whoever that we are alive and well and clean and sober

    Girl I wish I could come and have a cuppa with you
    I'm betting we would have a lot to talk about

    And love the pics!
    So cool to be able to put a face to the story
    You are so pretty
    I kind of had an image of what I thought you looked like
    And I wasn't far off
    Thanks for sharing it

    Love love love could

    1. Wow, I feel the exact same way about so many of your posts. It's pretty cool though, being able to talk to someone with such an exact understanding of everything. But I'd like to too! I think we'd get along great.

      Isn't it awful? Being stuck between the two of them like that? My friend said to me when I started group, she's like "It's time to kick that bitch to the curb!" It's sort of been my motto ever since.

      But yes, that wonderful place between reality and wonderland. Part of me wishes I never felt that because it's the absolute best feeling in the world. But then again, I don't regret it and sometimes it's this sweet memory I hold on to for the bad days. Which either helps, or makes it an absolute nightmare of cravings. I feel like people can only understand the beauty of that place and how strong of a pull it has if they've been there themselves. Which is why it's so great that I've found you, since we have almost the exact same disorders. I feel like recovery for either is highly linked to the other disorder.

      I feel better today, I wrote my gratitude list, read a good book about recovery and just relaxed. And of course, played the tape all the way through, not just to the good parts, but all the way to the end where the horrible parts were.

      Thank you so much for the compliments on my pictures. I'm very self conscious, so it's nice to hear.

      Much love, xx.


your feedback is much appreciated!