Wednesday 17 June 2015

be the change you wish to see in the world.

In recent posts I had been talking about Women for Sobriety and volunteering to host meetings for the women at my local detox. At the time the program coordinator had not yet replied to my two attempts at contacting him. I was frustrated and a bit let down. I was worried that he was an adamant 12 step sort of guy and didn't want WFS coming in.

 Now don't think I'm putting the 12 steps down, I'm absolutely not. They help many people get and stay sober. So if it works for someone, great. I feel each individual has the choice to do whatever the feel keeps them sober. I'm just saying that many people do not know anything other than AA/NA/CA. There are some (not all) 12 steppers that think that the only thing that works is NA/AA and won't be open or willing to try or learn about other options. I personally never could connect to NA. I really tried to because many experts praise and recommend 12 step meetings, sponsors, etc. But in the end, it was not for me. There were some things I liked, but many more things I didn't. I gave it a long, honest try and it just wasn't helping. Sometimes I'd even come home feeling worse than I did before.

I was so, so fortunate to discover Women for Sobriety and to attend a meeting. I was even more lucky that we had a local meeting in my small, shitty city. Those meetings, the 13 affirmations, and the women both in my group and online have totally helped me save my life. They made me see how much I have to offer, how much good I am and have, and how much I had in my life. I always left feeling just absolutely wonderful, positive, strong, and filled with this incredible refreshing energy to get through the week and any problem. They even are supporting my treatment for my bulimia. The women there just ooze positivity, health, recovery, intelligence and compassion. They're every quality I respect and hope to be.

Now, before I finally got sober and found WFS I was in detox. While I was there they hosted one or two 12 step meetings per week. When I got out, I went straight back out to use and stuck a needle in my arm for the first time. I'm not saying that the 12 step meeting wasn't helpful. It was. But it also wasn't what I needed for my recovery, especially at that time. Since finding WFS I often ponder this and wonder, 'If there had been a Women for Sobriety meeting, would I have stayed sober?' I may not have, but there's also the chance I could have prevented that whole summer downfall. There's no point in dwelling on the past. There's nothing I can change about my story. But, I can change this for someone else in the future. So this is why I want to host a meeting there so badly. I'm extremely passionate about raising awareness for other meeting/treatment options. Especially for women.

One of my issues was that I rarely felt comfortable sharing every part of my story in a group full of mostly men. There are many women who feel the same. So I think it's important that there is an all women option where they can discuss traumas, abuse, rape, etc. with only women. They need a place where they will be met with understanding, empathy and will be safe. Women for Sobriety is that place. And of course anybody is more than welcome to attend  both WFS and NA/AA/CA. I don't want to encourage people not to attend those meetings, I simply just want to show women and others that there is another option for them out there (there is Men for Sobriety too, by the way).

Anyway, I'm extremely happy because I finally heard back from the program coordinator. He wants to set up a meeting with me to discuss things. I'm feeling hopeful. The woman who forwarded my message to him said that they're lucky to have 'such a wonderful opportunity.' I know it wouldn't hurt to have us come in, and would certainly do some good. Not only for the women in detox, but for me as well. Plus, there has recently been more requests for WFS meeting information. I'm excited to talk with him and discuss the benefits of this. I want this so badly it hurts. I'm going to start preparing so that when I go I'll be fully ready to answer any questions, concerns, etc. Our detox needs this. Women need this. And it thrills me to be the one to finally start this awareness movement. It just makes me feel proud. It will make my recovery so much more fulfilled to be able to help others and give back.

This has totally brought me out of my down mood. So today, I'm celebrating this success.

Much love, xx.


  1. I'm proud of you, and so excited for you! I hope this leads to some exciting things in the future for you! Xx

    1. Thanks so much! I hope so too, it makes me extremely inspired and excited to be apart of this.

      Hope you're well.
      Much love, xx.

  2. Hey girl, I don't know why I haven't found your blog until now but your comment helped me, which was amazingly sweet and meant a lot to me. I don't always consider myself that talented so thank you! (I usually reply to the comment but I'm here so I'm killing two birds with one stone :D)

    I've never heard of the WFS, but in my program they teach the Bio-Psycho-Social model, getting the person help through all the things that can affect their addiction like their mental health, their physical health, and their family. Spirituality has a place in the social realm so it can work for the 12 steppers if they want it to or for the people that want no part of God, it's great as well. I never had an addiction but I dated an addict for too many years and there's addiction in my family But I myself am not familiar with having one. It was a great post and I look forward to reading about this great opportunity!

    1. You're very welcome. I meant every word of it. :)

      I'm a psychology major so I've heard of the psycho-social model. I feel like it would be incredibly effective but there doesn't seem to be many options in the small city I live in. It just makes sense because everything in your life has some effect on your addiction, ED, whatever. I like that it's good for both 12 stepper's and non too. I am spiritual in a completely non-god sense. I'm much more into the earth/nature, circle of life, etc. so it's often hard for me to connect to religious like treatments.

      But so many people haven't heard of WFS, which is why I've been so passionate about this. Just to raise more awareness means a lot to me.

      Thank you so much for your comment! I'm glad we found each other's blogs. I look forward to reading more from you.

      Much love, xx.


your feedback is much appreciated!